Friday, February 6, 2009

Let's Get This Party Started....

So, instead of some boring introduction and about me, blah blah blah, I'll just jump right in as if I have been blogging forever. First, I'll give you some idea as to why I chose to join to blogging world. Between work, my son, & my husband, I feel like I have no time for myself, and I can't remember the last time I had a conversation that didn't involve bills, wasn't interuppted by a messy diaper, and had nothing to do with real estate. So, in order to sort my thoughts, before my head explodes, I have decided to give this a try.

ON A HAPPY NOTE! Today, we finished all of our paperwork, signed an offer, locked in our rate, and on February 27th, we will officially be home owners. I could not be happier. Finally a place to call my own, to make additions to, to make changes to, to clean, it's an amazing feeling. Over the past 2 years we have exhausted our options trying to buy a home, and just have not been able to do so with our debt to income ratio, the number of things we were making payments on, and my less than favorable credit from all those credit cards I had to have after graduating high school. But, we finally said enough is enough, we buckled down, sold our TOYS (quads and motorcycle), traded my car in for something a little more practical, and safer for my son to ride in (I love my new trailblazer for the record), limited our spending, and payed off almost everything we own. And Finally Finally FINALLY were able to purchase our own home. Ya know how they say the longer you wait, and the harder you work for it, the more you'll appreciate it, THAT COULD NOT BE TRUE ENOUGH. I cannot wait to begin a new chapter of my life, in our new home.

I can't believe how big my baby boy is getting. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital, 8 pounds 1 ounce, 21 3/4 inches long, and now he is well over 20 pounds, sitting in a big boy car seat, taking steps here and there, & eating cheetos. What the heck? He has got such a personality, what a goofball, he is so dramatic, sometimes he even fake coughs for attention, because he knows everytime he makes a funny noise mommy comes running to assess the situation. He fake sleeps, but always blows his cover by smiling (with his eyes still closed) when I make duck noises, which he finds quite amusing. So, we have been thinking about a new addition to our family. Some people might think we are crazy, but we want our children close together, and Logan has been such an amazing adventure why wouldn't we want another? I am not exactly a pleasant pregnant person, so we are taking that into consideration, LOL! It's so up in the air, some days I want to start trying, other days I think maybe we should just get into our house, settle down with all the excitement and stress for a while, and than start thinking about a new addition? I am just paranoid, and I feel like I am asking for so much, we already have one healthy baby, and we have been so blessed these past 2 years, and I just don't want to take a chance that something could go wrong with another pregnancy, so in the meantime I am leaving everything in gods hands, he has never failed to answer my prayers before, so I am counting on him to lead me in the right direction... In the meantime, I'm getting a puppy. :)

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